The Food and Public Space Committee provides support for the creation of an environment that is welcoming and engaging for all community members, and that fosters emotional well-being, physical activity, and access to nutritious food.

  • Committee Meetings are currently on hold until further notice.

  • Consult our running Food and Public Space Committee minutes here.

  • Consult our Food and Public Spaces Community Action Plan here.

  • Consult the Food and Public Space Committee Community Action Plan (CAP).


Dia de los Muertos

Our annual cultural festival takes place on November 2nd of every year.


Food Pantry

We are working on bringing a food pantry to the Healthy Little Havana office with funds from the American Heart Association. We are also collaborating with Buddy System to bring a community fridge to the office.


Porque Amo Mi Barrio, Cuido Mi Barrio


Pedestrian Priority Zones


Transit Benches


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Little Havana residents use public transit three times more than the general population in Miami-Dade County, but because of constraints in the right-of-way, there are many locations without a bench to wait for the service. The Have a Seat project aims to enhance the transit experience for Little Havana residents who ride the Miami-Dade County bus and City of Miami trolley by installing 35 narrow benches in and around the neighborhood. The Have a Seat 2020 project is led by Urban Health Partnerships, which is an expansion of a 2018 AARP-funded HLH-supported pilot project where 12 benches were installed in an area of Little Havana with a large older adult population. Where else is a transit bench needed in Little Havana? Please share with us via social media @LiveHealthyLH.




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In 2017, the Health Foundation of South Florida (HFSF) and Miami-Dade County were selected to participate in Round 9 of Partners for Places to grow the success of the SHADE project. Live Healthy Little Havana, Citizens for a Better South Florida, and the City of Miami partnered to bring shade trees to transit routes in Little Havana.




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In 2018, ¡Vamos a Jugar! was a community-led process where Healthy Little Havana’s (HLH) partner Urban Health Partnerships (UHP) worked with residents of Little Havana, Citrus Grove Elementary/Middle school students, and parents to design a space to play and meet with family and friends. Together they created a “Play Trail” in an area of Little Havana that lacks open space for residents to connect with neighbors and that supports their emotional wellbeing. This project is an extension of a HLH UHP-led Healthy Little Havana Vámonos campaign that is focused on increasing walking, bicycling, and riding transit in Little Havana.